USS Security Assessment Process:
So, what can you expect when we conduct a Security Assessment at your facility?
The following is a brief outline of the typical assessment process:
- Initial request for documents.
- We will work with you to identify the people within your organization that we would like to interview
- Conduct interviews with above individuals
- Tour the facility
- Observe the operations
- Return at night for observations
- Meet with you and provide an update on our progress and discuss the next steps in the process
- Begin our formal Security Assessment process
- Write the Security Assessment Report
- Client review of Security Assessment Report Draft
- Client meeting to discuss draft
- Prepare a final Security Assessment Report that incorporates client’s comments. If desired, we can make a formal presentation of the Security Assessment Report to your senior management team or others
- At the conclusion of the assessment process, we will be available to assist you with implementation of the recommendations contained within our report. Such as:
- Identify vendors and sources of products and services
- Review bid proposals
- Develop security policies, procedures and protocols
- Provide training
- Assist in other ways per mutual agreement